Niggas can't be GAY?!

Sometimes Niggas Gay Above is a clip that someone left discussing topic that always trends surrounding black men and boys. It appears that there is always (too much going on) to talk about anything positive involving queer presenting men. The following post was what the user said. As a black man it never cease to annoy me the constant constraint that is put on gay men when they truly want to express themselves. But better yet, this constant bickering amongst the community that it is, in itself, justified to have these ideals. The questions always come in when this is presented. Where is the father in the household? Do they have a single mother in the household? Somebody must of touch them when they were little, right? There is always room for speculation when black men, especially dark skin black men, decide to express themselves beyond the stereotype. Beyond being the big black man, with a big dick. This hyper-sexual beast that can't control...