Niggas can't be GAY?!

Sometimes Niggas Gay

Above is a clip that someone left discussing topic that always trends surrounding black men and boys. It appears that there is always (too much going on) to talk about anything positive involving queer presenting men. The following post was what the user said.
    As a black man it never cease to annoy me the constant constraint that is put on gay men when they truly want to express themselves. But better yet, this constant bickering amongst the community that it is, in itself, justified to have these ideals. The questions always come in when this is presented. Where is the father in the household? Do they have a single mother in the household? Somebody must of touch them when they were little, right? There is always room for speculation when black men, especially dark skin black men, decide to express themselves beyond the stereotype. Beyond being the big black man, with a big dick. This hyper-sexual beast that can't control their own demons and hate towards themselves. A self destructive entity that in the same breath, gets lifted up for being this cool tough nigga, while also criticized for being what's wrong with not only the black community but in many ways society itself. 
Without diving into the already overdone history of the dehumanization of black men. I genuinely wanted to talk about a byproduct of this anti-blackness in the manifestation of Colorism. Many people know about this issue in terms of women. It is a well known issue for the prioritization of light skin women over darker toned ones due to desirability. Of course, that never stopped the exploitation of the black body. In that sense, the belief was the darker the better, in the justification of providing more inhumane acts. But what is to be said about the current situation? In the visibility of dark skin black men being more fem, it is not only a denial of certain concepts of black masculinity, but manhood itself. In my personal experience, which is the bases of this particular blog, I've found that black manhood can never be denied as a darkskin man. There is no possibility to gender bend, to experiment, to exist in any other form of self because to a (field nigga) the job is to work, push, reproduced, and repeat. Still, it takes men to explore this particular dynamic and call it out. Then and only then will there be change.
Of course, I also argue that light skin men are not representing the community themselves. They are not apart of these darker skin individuals who do have to be at the forefront of the stereotype. The effeminization and question of manhood seems to provide such a burden on light skin men. And in that, there can be some truth. But overall, there is a freedom granted to said men, as an escape from the conditioned ideals that darker skin people are inherently tougher than most. Not resilient, or some other form of stoic ability that also offers some peace in the full capability of a human being. But the restrictive ideals that there is nothing else more than to establish yourself in this stereotype. That to embrace any other form of identity is too much. It not just the wigs, long nails and make up, it is a duty to maintain the status quo. It is a (requirement) that we show only one capability of ourselves. We are proud of this barrier, and in much of the black community, they are scared to lose it. 

(So we continue the pointless jokes, on and on)

                                                              "This is one of my favorites :/"

    I'm sure, that 14 year olds are enjoying this content and do not see any issue in it. I don't blame them of course. Lord knows the bullshit I was watching at a younger age that now wouldn't dare search up. It is interesting how something so harmless as comedy becomes something that can stick with our collective mindset. We give into these ideals because they are presented to us at a time where we were most vulnerable. We accept our own form of minstrelsy where we agree with the white supremacist that we are no better than the watermelon munchin nigger that likes to sleep with white women, and sit at the curb all day blaming massa. And some would respond to this by showing all the different examples of black men that "don't hate themselves" because of their involvement with other black people. When in fact they are no more involved in said culture than a white boy, who got inspired by Straight Out Of Compton, now he thinks he's from the fucking block. To clarify, We need to expand the perimeters of what it means to be black, because the shit is getting embarrassing. 

And then theres more....

And again, when there is a valid critique on the colorist ideals that darker skin men cannot and will never be able to truly express the full extent of themselves.And if this message is coming from a dark skin black man, someone always comes around, and claims that its not a big deal. That in fact, men care too much, NO ONE CARES AT All!!!

No one....

"No one Cares"

    I mean, I can go on and on about this particular thing and it would always end up being so fucking stupid😭 MEN and WOMEN, both are to blame for maintaining the idea that men should not be sassy. In the end, femininity is for women and masculinity is for men, if we intertwine these ideas we would have a mess of a world to live in. Still how could that be when, we still have traditional roles in our modern age? Even though  a good amount of them still end up being very bad decisions based on a variety of factors that those two individuals or more, decided to make. Being non-binary, or changing the norm is not doing any more damage to an already broken issues for a lot of heterosexuals. My thing is, as a black queer man, I find the whole sassy epidemic to be another resurgence of fruity.  Its like people decided to revamp homophobia and make it every one else's fault. Instead of do the work themselves or just live their life. Yet, someone has to be blamed for the issues of the majority. And in this particular case, that is homosexual, gender-bending, person. The rainbow mafia, or the skittle gang as some put it😭

In the end, I think the biggest problem of all this is that, Black Men are still having to deal with the repercussions that they set for themselves. Even I have had to deal with my resentment towards masculinity and the aspects of hetronormitivity, because of the issues I faced at a young age that told me I couldn't be who I wanted to be. Certain things like growing up in the 2000's was a continuous debate upon blue being a boy color, and Pink being a girl color. And I just thought to myself one day randomly, over a decade later, how stupid that really was. That the state of manhood is so fragile and (FORCED) that pink, which is just a light red, being worn by a boy is detrimental to manhood itself. It is utterly pathetic in nature, to condition generations to believe this to be normal. Still, there will always be push back. Because as a community, we still have yet to understand this thing called coexisting. Maybe Generation Alpha will not have to deal with such rigid ideals. That they could be masc, fem, gay, straight, bi, hell its up to them at that point. Because the biggest accomplishment of anyones humanity is the reality of choice. Without that, we continue the cycle of abuse. 

PS-Also, its literally just paint on your fucking nails. Like niggas are acting real pussy omgggg. Sorry for the additional unacademic comments, I know it lessens the analysis a bit but my God this is pathetic. Step your pussy up!!! Bye😊


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