Paris is burning, but America is fine?


    What is it you're looking at above you dear reader? Well, it is a screenshot from a Reddit post I made recently August 14, 2023. Now you may notice the red arrow with the 360, by the time the moderators took the post down for, what I can assume was (a post stirring up trouble) it had more people commenting after that. I must admit I didn't think everyone was going to agree with all I put in the reddit, but my God!!! Suddenly the page literally for ranting about not working was advocating for....working. Go figure, and to make matters worse, no one seemed to actually want to have a revolution. I began to realize, this (standing up to the man) is all a show. It has as much substance as celebrity worship, or cancel culture. No one is really going to fight back or stand up, because they are scared of doing so. One of the many comments, that attempted to be logical pointed out that revolution was not gonna work. And you know what would work, unions. 

    And sure, I mean that makes sense to say that the best way to handle things is Unions. But what I don't get is how that would come to be? My problem with the American People is that so many people want things done the right way, the just way. And when you look at America a lot of people, and I mean a lot, can agree that this (follow the law) attitude is by design. Of course, I understand not wanting to get killed ruthlessly for a riot that does nothing more than destroy small businesses and other hard working people's jobs. But, I also will not say that just following the system and working within lines is good enough. Something has to be woken up, and what worries me is that people are too afraid of getting hurt. Even if its just doing a peaceful protest, there is always someone who is willing to watch the fools destroy themselves fo a pitiful attempt at revolution. And as long as there are people who are willing to take someone else's spot, others feel that there is no point. Most people can't even commit to hating something they claim they hate. Yet, I have the audacity to complain about wanting things to change.

    Well, yeah. What the hell is it going to take for at least people to put up signs to show that things need to change? I am not only disappointed with the the powers at be, one of them being the supreme court. But the working class people giving up. Or better yet, pointing fingers at the other being more privileged to actually do anything. I have gotten questions, What are you doin? What do you want to do? Well, hell I don't even know where to start. If it is true that we need a union to ban together, then this has to be more than just small communities that might commit. The biggest, and most crucial part of all of this is a WideSpread Event! No, I am not talking about bombs and ware fare of that kind. I am talking about vexation. Maybe a bit naive, but there needs to be some form of protest, because "we can't do it because we might lose our jobs, "is not good at all. I understand the fear, but if things get worse, what does that leave us as a country. Mental health services needs to be more accessable, while also paying the working people in the industry who are trying to help. There needs to be more  understanding on housing, more opportunities to raise minimum wage as well as finally dealing with gun control. Which in all honesty, with the several school shootings, excluding mass shooting incidents, should have been nipped in the bud since fucking Columbine. But, here we are. We have political parties fighting to get gay books out of schools. Critical Race Theory, like other buzz words, came seemingly out of nowhere. As the Right goes on their raid against....drag queens. The Democrats are "trying their hardest" while saying well we could of dealt with that but the supreme court did x,y and z. "The Republicans did it, you guys should vote so we can make real changes."-from tired Democrate.

    So if its true that with the debates in those who know politics to people like me that no nothing more than the average social commentator on your twitch stream, who can you trust? I realized along with this purgatory of annoyance with each other we get nothing done. But, we can come together and make  change. A damn twitch streamer by the name of Kai Cenat does a fucking game giveaway, and what seems like a whole city is waiting outside his car. Beyonce goes on tour, and you have people selling their belongings, taking out loans, to get there. There was the riots during the capitol, and there were the riots during the George Floyd Protest. And Yes, The Kai Cenat situation did cause him to get in trouble with the law. Yes, people have a right to do whatever they want with their money, and go to a Beyonce concert. Yes, the George Floyd riots caused people business to burn. Amongst other damage that affected many people in community. Yes, during the Capitol riots we had a woman die. We also had people get arrested for what is on the level of  terrorism . So, I suppose it does not matter. But no, it does.
    I often think, what does it mean to be an American? What showed us how unified we are in this country was what happened in 2020 during the pandemic. What, like other countries, could of been a time of at least brief coming together. You had an old woman hoarding toilet paper fighting with a customer. And then you had people outside government buildings burning mask to fight the "predatory" mask restrictions. Then the CDC decided that one minute its okay to be safe health wise you don't need the vaccine, while also declaring that you need a third vaccine to a first vaccine and on and on. Long story short, it was a crazy mess. Filled to the brim with misinformation, conspiracy theories, picking sides, and was the beginning stages of our current culture in America, where you die on the hill of your own cause. And watch people on the other side suffer with glee. I would know, I too indulged with this. But even after all the Lib owns Conservative youtube vids, I'm not moved by it anymore. Apparently, things aren't as bad as I believe. But I hate that with human nature, we have to wait till "everybody" is down on their hands and knees holding on for dear life that we now have to fight. Now that everyone is suffering, we can put our petty differences aside and work together. It is insanity the way things get allowed.

    I think, in this long rant. I am having a hard time grappling with my own hypocrisy along with everyone else. I think about the life I live, and the financial choices I have made. I have had support from my family, and I come from a family of workers. And I have had the privilege to not work at a young age, or to have to deal with the real world. The consensus, along with the comments in that reddit post is that, I should not care. Because I am apart of a group of people who have not been homeless, in poverty, and in stability. In fact, it could be questioned that I am only caring about this situation  because NOW, I am on my last leg. Now, I am asking for a political movement because I can't get my shit together. Boo Hoo, to the adult baby, that needs mommy and daddy to help him. On and on, the wheel turns, and as I am being accused of the same false sense of activism on behalf of the people, a,k.a a couple of bots on my twitter feed. The rich politicians are still taking private jets to a resort sipping their cares away. Issues like affirmative action was taken away because statistically it is an unfair advantage people. While one of the insufferable bastards such as Ben Carson, literally got into an academic institution because of affirmative action. And student loans could of been paid off but the republican party declined it once more. And other people who have worked themselves to the bone  to pay off their loans, say this is just. JUST! is what this country is built on, justice for ALL people. Beyond ignoring the racial implications of that, even the supposed privilege class get fucked over. White people are not safe from this, neither are anyone else. 
    Well, I suppose just grand claims to create a narrative on what we are going through as a people. I don't know guys. I have long let go of the wish for formality in this attempt to call understanding of this. I suppose in my dumb and young brain, I am a hippie fighting in the front lines of a (love and peace) rally. Except my drugs are Crumble cookie and a Netflix subscription. I guess, when I see that people can come together, and truly fight for the most senseless things, a good amount of them for capitalism purposes, yet its too much to ask for people to spam the government parties and vexx them about these issues. Pressure, from social media is very powerful. If thousands can ban together for a celebrity, a twitch streamer, a fucking Popeyes chicken sandwich. Surely people (ACROSS THE INTERNET) can come together to make a change. Email these politicians over and over. Constantly spam, call, explain your testimony. Vex the fuck out of them. It's not bombs, it's not the burning of buildings. But my god, its something. I mean Jesus christ, we pay the damn taxes!!!  There is a guy who can find literally almost anyone on tiktok now, but we don't know how to send a message. Spam them, Pay us more. On every site, and if that is aksing too much. A protest at your finger tips from the comfort of your own home. Well, maybe we deserve to deal with the bullshit in this country. Anyway, that's my spill, see you next time for a another story.


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